News Listing

Allauren Forbes to be promoted to Associate Professor
Department news

Humanities ➚
“Yes we Kant:” Department of Philosophy hosts inaugural Kant in Canada conference
Department news, Philosophy

Daily News ➚
University of Birmingham visit highlights research partnerships and student exchange programs
Department news, Philosophy

First McMaster Graduate Conference in Philosophy explores wide range of topics
Department news, Philosophy

Call for abstracts for ‘Kant in Canada’ workshop
Department news, Philosophy

Daily News ➚
Arts & Science program and Faculty of Humanities valedictorian Christopher Maclean
Department news

Celebrating 10 years of Justice, Political Philosophy and Law
Department news

Alex Klein to be promoted to Full Professor
Department news

Allauren Forbes awarded SSHRC Connection Grant
Department news

Megan Stotts to be promoted to Associate Professor
Department news

Alumni Profile: Jeffrey D’Souza (Philosophy PhD ’17)
Department news